Category: General

YCDSB Continuing Education Programs Winter/Spring Session

The Continuing Education Department is pleased to announce that the Winter/Spring session is about to begin.  There are a number of elementary programs available to support student learning.  The following programs are being offered pending student enrollment and the registration process is currently opened.  

Parents/Guardians are encouraged to review the following list and to take the opportunity to register their child/children:

... Continue reading "YCDSB Continuing Education Programs Winter/Spring Session"

First Communion and Confirmation Registrations for 2021

A message on behalf of Father Garcia and St. John Chrysostom Parish to our families in  grades 2 and 3, for First Communion, and grades 7 and 8, for Confirmation:

We are pleased to inform all parents that St. John Chrysostom Parish is prepared to start the Registration process for the 2021 First Communion and Confirmation Program. Therefore, we ask that you begin ... Continue reading "First Communion and Confirmation Registrations for 2021"

Programs and Pathways Options for YCDSB Grade 8 students

Please see attached for  a listing of upcoming Information Sessions for students in grade 8 – 12 and parents/guardians regarding Programs and Pathways options for YCDSB students and post-secondary options and supports.
Registration links for each session are provided on the flyer.

Safe Drinking Water

Ontario Regulation 243/07 Schools, Private School and Day Nurseries mandates provincial school boards to complete an annual process that samples drinking water for lead. Please see the link below to learn more.