Principal’s Message and Virtue of the Month Recipients
Please see attached for a Principal’s Message (with some key dates for December) and our student recipients of the Virtue of the Month award for November (justice).
Please see attached for a Principal’s Message (with some key dates for December) and our student recipients of the Virtue of the Month award for November (justice).
Monday December 14th to 18th will be Christmas Spirit Week for all of our students at St. Nicholas. Please see attached for more details. We’re looking forward to a fun filled week!
Every year in November, the York Catholic District School Board activates its Inclement Weather Procedure in order to make decisions and take appropriate actions to keep students and staff safe when weather impacts road conditions and prevents a safe passage to school. This year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the YCDSB Inclement Weather Procedure must change based on direction from York Region Public Health. Please ... Continue reading "New Inclement Emergency Procedures"
As the seasons begin to change we will also begin to prepare for the Christmas/Advent season in the coming month. This will be marked by our support of the St. Vincent de Paul Christmas program. Please see the attached letter as this year the process of donating will be a little bit different. The deadline to donate is Friday November 27th, please ... Continue reading "St. Vincent de Paul Christmas Program"
We are pleased to announce that St. Nicholas will be having our very first Virtual Book Fair, November 29h to December 6th. Please see the attached ‘Save the Date’ flyer with more details.
Sacred Heart Catholic High School will be having their Virtual Open House on Thursday, Nov. 26 at 7 pm. A live link to the virtual evening will be shared a few days before the event, and it will also be available on the Sacred Heart’s website.
Last year Sacred Heart launched the Regional Arts Program (iRAP). This year the iRAP ... Continue reading "Sacred Heart Catholic High School Virtual Open House"