Category: General

2020/2021 Catholic School Council

As a parent/guardian of a child at our school, you are eligible to self-nominate or nominate another parent/guardian of a child at our school to be a voting member of Catholic School Council.  Below is  a link to a Google Form for the nomination process.  If interested, please complete the Nomination Form before 3:00 pm on Tuesday, October 13, 2020.

Parents may access ... Continue reading "2020/2021 Catholic School Council"

COVID-19 Reference Document for Symptoms

Please see the attached Ministry document for updated and revised COVID 19 Reference Document for Symptoms.

Daily self-screening

Daily self-screening of all students is required; every morning before coming to school, a self-assessment is to be conducted by all of our students (supported by parents). Parents are also encouraged to use the new provincial self-assessment tool each day: ... Continue reading "COVID-19 Reference Document for Symptoms"

Rowans Law (Purple Day): Friday October 2nd 2020

Rowan’s Law was named for Rowan Stringer, a high school rugby player from Ottawa, who died in the spring of 2013 from a condition known as second impact syndrome (swelling of the brain caused by a subsequent injury that occurred before a previous injury healed). Rowan is believed to have experienced three concussions over six days while playing rugby. She had a concussion but didn’t ... Continue reading "Rowans Law (Purple Day): Friday October 2nd 2020"

Orange Shirt Day: Wednesday September 30th

What is Orange Shirt Day?

In the spring of 2013, a commemoration event was held in Williams Lake, BC to honour those who attended the St. Joseph Mission (SJM) residential school. Orange Shirt Day was inspired by the experience and story of Phyllis (Jack) Webstad whose shiny new orange shirt was taken away on her first day of school at the Mission. Her ... Continue reading "Orange Shirt Day: Wednesday September 30th"

Asthma Management

Asthma The York Catholic District School Board recognizes that there are some students within the school system who have a diagnosis of asthma which could be life threatening. The York Catholic District School Board also recognizes that asthma management is a shared responsibility among students, parents, caregivers and the entire school community. It is the responsibility of parent(s)/guardian(s) to advise the school immediately upon registration ... Continue reading "Asthma Management"