Category: General

Principal’s Message and Virtue of the Month Recipients

Please see attached for a Principal’s Message (with some key dates for March) and our Catholic Virtue recipients for the month of February. We honor those students that went above and beyond to demonstrate the virtue of Wisdom during the month of February. Congratulations to these students for making a difference! 

March 2020

February 2020 Virtue ... Continue reading "Principal’s Message and Virtue of the Month Recipients"

St. Nicholas Yearbook

Ms. Ashworth and our yearbook committee has been working extremely hard getting photos and preparing our yearbook for the 2019/2020 school year. Orders forms will be going home this week and all orders are due March 26th. Please see attached for the Yearbook flyer and the order forms. Please note that Yearbook order forms for Grade 8  are slightly different.

Yearbook Flyer ... Continue reading "St. Nicholas Yearbook"

BHM: HOZA Presentation

February is Black History Month. As a highlight to our Black History Month initiatives, students had the opportunity to experience an energetic and informative performance by Hoza and their Heart Wisdom presentation. In Heart Wisdom students discovered that there are many gifts and lessons within the hearts of indigenous and marginalized communities that: call us together, teach us how to listen and speak to one ... Continue reading "BHM: HOZA Presentation"

Kindness Matters @ St. Nicholas

The staff here at St. Nicholas are continuously looking for opportunities to promote kindness and a bully free school environment. In our most recent attempts, our Kindergarten classes initiated the Kindness Ninja project. Teachers and ECEs worked with students teaching the importance of kindness, good deeds and community. In correct Ninja fashion, students also learned that a good deed does not always have to be ... Continue reading "Kindness Matters @ St. Nicholas"

Kindergarten Robot Museum

Our kindergarten students were challenged to create a robot using recycled objects at home in connection to the 3D shape math unit being completed at school. Students then brought their robots to school and presented them to their classmates – highlighting all the 3D shapes they used to create their robot. Our Robot Museum is currently displayed in our Kindergarten hallway and the kids are ... Continue reading "Kindergarten Robot Museum"


In most households, finding time to be active together can be a challenge. Work schedules, technological gadgets and other commitments often get in the way of important time that can be shared amongst family members. Active School Travel is a great way to incorporate this active family time and only requires small alterations to your routine. Please find the Active School Travel Newsletter attached for ... Continue reading "February 2020 – ACTIVE SCHOOL TRAVEL NEWSLETTER"