Category: General

Bullying-Awareness Initiatives

Here at St. Nicholas we as a staff are always doing our best to promote kindness and peaceful resolutions to conflicts. Our goal is to create a safe, bully-free learning environment built on our Catholic virtues and values. Throughout the last several weeks we have been highlighting this messaging with our students through our Bullying-Awareness initiatives. On Monday November 25th, Coby The Magician entertained and ... Continue reading "Bullying-Awareness Initiatives"

Movie Night

St. Nicholas CES  will support and participate in the St. Vincent de Paul Christmas Program again this Christmas season. This year we would like to assist more families as the number of those in need continues to grow. In order to achieve our goal,  our Catholic School Council have organized and will be hosting a Movie Night on Thursday November 28th, after school in the ... Continue reading "Movie Night"

S.T.R.E.A.M.: Engaging Student Innovation!

Over the last several weeks a team of innovative and creative Grade 8 student leaders (Ava, Kirsten, Olivia, Charlotte, Julia, Grace)  took on the challenge of creating a visual representation of the our new S.T.R.E.A.M. initiative. The goal of the project was to inform students, staff and parents of what S.T.R.E.A.M. is and also showcase an example of it’s application. Students were committed to bringing ... Continue reading "S.T.R.E.A.M.: Engaging Student Innovation!"

African-Canadian Community Engagement Event

YCDSB believes that every student deserves an equal opportunity to be successful and is committed to working with all community stakeholders to ensure services are provided in an equitable and inclusive manner. We have committed to a series of community consultations over the next two years with staff, parents and community groups.

Work has begun to engage staff, students ... Continue reading "African-Canadian Community Engagement Event"

St. Nicholas Intermediate Volleyball Teams

The Boys’ and Girls’ Intermediate Volleyball teams put in a great deal of time and effort as they worked towards building their skills and team development. Throughout various exhibition games during the season, both teams demonstrated perseverance and determination, with all players experiencing growth and developing a greater understanding of the game. At the Area tournaments, the teams played in hard-fought games and never gave ... Continue reading "St. Nicholas Intermediate Volleyball Teams"