Category: General

2019 Halloween Dance‐A‐Thon

Parents & Guardians, 

Your parent council, teachers and students are excited and getting ready for this year’s major fundraiser. The 2019 Halloween Dance‐A‐Thon will take place on Thursday, October 31st . The attached letter was sent home yesterday explaining the fundraiser and all that is involved. Parent Council volunteers also visited each class yesterterday to promote and further explain the event. We are ... Continue reading "2019 Halloween Dance‐A‐Thon"

Monthly Catholic Virtue

In the month of September we celebrated the Catholic Virtue of Courage. Throughout the month teachers and students explored lessons and stories of courage and attempted to model courage throughout the month. As is tradition, we honor those students that went above and beyond to demonstrate this virtue. Please see the attachment for our recipients of the Courage Award. Congratulations to these students for making ... Continue reading "Monthly Catholic Virtue"

Regional Arts Program at Sacred Heart

Parents & Guardians, 

Sacred Heart’s new Regional Arts Program will be commencing in Spetember 2020.  Any grade 8 student in the YCDSB  may apply to be part of Sacred Heart’s Integrated Arts Program beginning September 2020.  

The program focus is an integration of the arts in other academic areas.  

Parents/Guardians and students interested in hearing more about this unique ... Continue reading "Regional Arts Program at Sacred Heart"