Category: General

New School Grounds!

We are blessed to have our new playground, parking lot, walkways and grassed area for the start of the new school year. Over the summer months the entire paved playground and parking lot was removed and repaved. In addition, the old ‘amphitheater’ structure at the front of the school was completely removed, leveled and replaced with new grass and trees that will provide shade and ... Continue reading "New School Grounds!"

First Day Procedures

Good Afternoon Parents/Guardians, 

Please see the attached letter for some information regarding the first day of school next week. We are excited for a wonderful year ahead. Please note the school yard changes on the map insert. More information to follow.

If you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact the school. 

Kind Regards, 

... Continue reading "First Day Procedures"

Welcome Letter

Good Afternoon Parents/Guardians, 

I’d like to take a moment to introduce myself as the new Principal at St.Nicholas. I am excited for the upcoming year and getting to know you and our students. Please find my welcome letter attached. 

In addition, over the next few days I will be communicating various items in order for a smooth start to the year ... Continue reading "Welcome Letter"

Track & Field Permission Forms

Our athletes will be competing at St. Maximilian Kolbe in Aurora on Tuesday, June 4th. Each student received a permission form, however, if they have forgotten them, one is provided below. Students will NOT be permitted to attend without the signed consent form.

Thank you. track&field