Walk your child to school day!
Wednesday, October 3rd is “Walk your child to school” day! We hope to see many family members enjoying the great outdoors tomorrow!
Wednesday, October 3rd is “Walk your child to school” day! We hope to see many family members enjoying the great outdoors tomorrow!
A reminder that on Monday, October 1st, St. Nicholas CES will be commemorating ‘Orange Shirt Day.’ We hope to see a sea of orange as we play our role in remembering the negative impact of the residential school system in Canada. We will also be enjoying ‘Sister Soup’ made from the vegetables from our own vegetable garden. We welcome Vanessa Kennedy from the ... Continue reading "Orange Shirt Day, Monday, October 1st."
We are very excited about tomorrow’s Terry Fox Walk as we demonstrate our support for the wonderful ‘Terry Fox Foundation!’
Thank you in advance for all of your support!
“Hello parents!
Remember, Picture Day is tomorrow, Tuesday, September 25
Make it simple by ordering your portraits online, using your Picture Day ID and child’s first name to get started. If you prefer to order on paper, we will be sending an order form home as well.
Remember to smile and have fun!“ ... Continue reading "Picture Day is Tomorrow!"
A reminder that we are looking forward to our Curriculum Night/Open House taking place tomorrow night, Thursday, September 13th from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. .
Thank you to our wonderful Catholic School Council members who will be provided pizza for families from 6:30 p.m. in the gym.
We look forward to seeing you tomorrow!
Hello Parents!
Remember, Picture Day is coming on Tuesday, September 25.
Make it simple by ordering your portraits online using your Picture Day ID and child’s first name to get started. If you prefer to order on ... Continue reading "Picture Day Reminder!"