Category: General

Black History Month Activities

St. Nicholas CES in Newmarket will welcome musician, Njacko Backo to the school on February 6th to help mark Black History Month. Backo will present African Voyages to JK – Grade 8 students. It will be a presentation of African music and stories. Student participants will play percussion instruments and learn traditional West African dance and songs. Parents/guardians are welcome to participate. 

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Parking Concerns in the East Parking Lot

Good afternoon parents/guardians of St. Nicholas CES.

As you know, safety is of the utmost importance to our school community.We are blessed to have ‘Magic Balloon’ daycare attached to our school.  Magic Balloon has clearly highlighted the parking spots dedicated to their staff and parents. In recent weeks, some of our parents have been parking in these spots and causing a lot of ... Continue reading "Parking Concerns in the East Parking Lot"

Ash Wednesday is February 14th 2018


Dear parents/guardians:

As you  may have noticed this year, Ash Wednesday and Valentine’s Day fall on the same Wednesday of February this year. This is a rare occurrence and it is giving us the opportunity to be intentional about our celebrations. Since Ash Wednesday is a day of fasting (eating less) and abstinence (refraining from eating certain foods), ... Continue reading "Ash Wednesday is February 14th 2018"