Category: General

St. Nicholas’ Depaving/Greening Event, Sept. 23rd

We are very excited about our upcoming depaving/greening event that takes place this Friday, September 23rd, from 4:30 to 7:00 p.m. Part of the school’s kindergarten area will be depaved to support the school’s objective of becoming a more environmentally-friendly school. The de-paving project will be followed by excavation for new tree basins and the installation of mulch in the kindergarten area, as well as ... Continue reading "St. Nicholas’ Depaving/Greening Event, Sept. 23rd"

Cross Country Athletes

We are delighted to be offering cross country try outs again this year. Practices will begin on Wednesday, September 14th. Please sign your child’s permission form if you would like them to participate. Please note, the first Cross Country meet is Tuesday, September 27th and the next meet is Tuesday, October 4th. We look forward to this wonderful athletic event and the development and growth ... Continue reading "Cross Country Athletes"

Kindergarten News!

We are delighted to be the home school for 60 plus kindergarten students this year, resulting in 3 FDK classes. This is a large increase from last year’s numbers and we have had to do some shuffling of classrooms etc. to accommodate for these marvelous additions to our school! Thank you for your patience as we ‘settle in’ to the new year, especially as the ... Continue reading "Kindergarten News!"

Curriculum Night

Please join us for Curriculum Night on Wednesday, September 14th from 7 to 8 p.m. For parents interested in learning more about GAFE (Google Apps for Education) we will be hosting a brief workshop from 6:30 to 7 in the library. We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday night.