Category: General

Parent Presentation: Sara Westbrook June 15th @ 7pm

On Tuesday, June 15th we welcome Sara Westbrook, professional speaker, author, singer, to speak to the St. Nicholas parent community. The topic of her presentation is entitled, ‘Nurturing Your Child’s Emotional Well Being’. More specifically Sara will discuss 3 strategies to help develop resilience and emotional well-being in children. Please see the attached flyer for more details. We encourage all of our parents/guardians to attend ... Continue reading "Parent Presentation: Sara Westbrook June 15th @ 7pm"

Planning for 2021-2022 School Year

As we start to plan for the new school year in September, we are following Ministry of Education direction and parameters. Please read the attached letter for a brief summary of those requirements and the York Catholic District School Board’s (YCDSB) 2021-2022 plans as they align with Ministry parameters.

In order to plan effectively, we need to know how many students will opt ... Continue reading "Planning for 2021-2022 School Year"

Virtual Talent Show

St. Nicholas is excited to announce that we will have our first ever Virtual Talent Show in June. This will be a prerecorded event with live MCing by our Grade 8 students. Students in Grades 4  to 8 interested are asked to submit their talent show entry to Ms. Anderson by June 4th. The talent show committee will then put together the finalists ... Continue reading "Virtual Talent Show"

Welcome to Kindergarten

Every year the ‘Welcome to Kindergarten’ event takes place in spring and is an opportunity from our new JK families to be invited in to our school and explore our kindergarten program. Unfortunately, due to our current situation this year this event will be virtual. To help with experiencing our school, please take some time to visit our Welcome to Kindergarten website. We hope that ... Continue reading "Welcome to Kindergarten"