Weekly Update: December 23, 2022

Primary Christmas Concert

What a delight it was to watch our Kindergarten and Grades 1-3 students perform at this year’s Primary Christmas Concert! There was excitement and joy abounding as parents, guardians and family members watched in anticipation of each performance.

Thank you to our Kindergarten and Primary teachers, ECEs, EAs and EIs for all their hard work to prepare students for our Christmas concert. It was a spectacular event with student talent radiating throughout every performance! Congratulations Kindergarten and Primary North Stars!!


Hot Lunch

As school was closed on Friday, December 23rd, hot lunch orders will be rescheduled in the new year. More information will be communicated in January 2023.


Scholastic Book Fair

St. Nicholas’ Book Fair was a great success this year! $5761 worth of books and gifts were sold and $600 worth of new books were purchased for the library. The school earned an amazing $1092 in cash rewards! This money will be used for technology, books and activities for our school library which means all students will have the opportunity to use them!

Thank you to Mrs. Totten for coordinating and facilitating the book fair. We also thank parents and guardians for supporting reading and our school library.


Kindergarten Registration

Do you have a child or know someone who has a child who is eligible to register for Kindergarten this coming fall? If yes, please note that 2022-2023 Kindergarten registration at the York Catholic District School Board will open on January 9th, 2023.

Parents are invited to register online at: www.ycdsb.ca/admissions .
Please see the attached flyer for more information.

Junior Kindergarten Flyer – FINAL


Parent Presentations

St. Nicholas CES parents and guardians are invited to attend a special 3-part parent virtual series, entitled Triple P: Positive Parenting Program, offered to our family of schools in Newmarket.

The Positive Parenting Program seminars are a series of three workshops for parents of children ages 0-12. Offering easy to understand and practical strategies, Triple P seminars are a great tool to help families navigate many challenging parenting situations.

Please see the information attached and below for details on these free virtual sessions, including dates and times and registration information.

Triple P Parenting Flyer


Spaces are limited so don’t delay, register for Triple P: Positive Parenting Program using the link below!

Triple P Parenting Registration


French Immersion Program

Is your child in Senior Kindergarten and are you interested in registering your child for the French Immersion program? If yes, please see the flyer attached for more information or visit: https://www.ycdsb.ca/frenchimmersion/application-forms-elementary/ .

French Immersion 2023 Flyer


Christmas Message and Closing Prayer

It’s hard to believe that the Christmas break is here. We welcome this time of rest and rejuvenation, and the opportunity to spend time with our family and friends.

The true joy of Christmas is the love of Christ, shared with family and friends. May you find His peace, love and joy this Christmas and in the coming New Year.

Let us pray together,

Dear God,

Bless our family and friends.
Bind us together by your love.
Give us kindness and patience to support each other;
and wisdom in all we do.
Let the gift of your peace come into our hearts as we await the coming of your son, Jesus.


St. Nicholas, pray for us.

Wishing you and your family a blessed Christmas and joyous new year.

C. Quadrini, Principal