Category: General

Homework Helper : French Literacy

The YCDSB is pleased to be offering a gap closing program free of charge to all our students called Homework Helper : French Literacy. 

Homework Helper : French Literacy allows students to access a YCDSB French teacher for support in their French studies. This program is being offered to students in a virtual learning environment, Wednesday from 6:30pm-9:00pm. The only requirement is that ... Continue reading "Homework Helper : French Literacy"

Bully Awareness Week

Bully Awareness and Prevention Week

Ontario has designated the week beginning on the third Sunday of November as Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week to help promote safe schools and a positive learning environment. During Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week – November 15-21, 2020 – Ontario students, school staff and parents are encouraged to learn more about bullying and its effect on ... Continue reading "Bully Awareness Week"

Principal’s Message and Virtue of the Month Recipients

Please see attached for a Principal’s Message (with some key dates for November) and our student recipients of the Virtue of the Month award for October (compassion). 

In addition, please see the information attached for the York Region Alliance of African Canadian Communities.  The York Region Alliance of African Canadian Communities supported by the Government of Canada, is hosting its Sankofa Virtual Saturday ... Continue reading "Principal’s Message and Virtue of the Month Recipients"