Category: General

Terry Fox Walk: Thurs. Sept. 26th


St. Nicholas is proud to be participating in the 2019 Terry Fox School Run/Walk. Our walk will take place this Thursday, September 26th. Please consider supporting this wonderful cause by donating  a Toonie or by making a donation of your choice. Students can bring in their donations throughout this week and next or you can visit our school’s fundraising page at ... Continue reading "Terry Fox Walk: Thurs. Sept. 26th"

Purple Day: Concussion Awareness

The last Wednesday in September each year is Rowan’s Law Day (#RowansLawDay). On Wednesday, September 25, 2019, schools across Ontario are expected to recognize this law by educating and engaging students, staff, and parents/guardians in activities that increase awareness about concussions and to share Rowan Stringer’s story. St. Nicholas will support this initiative with school wide announcements and by making September 25th PURPLE ... Continue reading "Purple Day: Concussion Awareness"

Curriculum Night/Open House


Curriculum Night/Open House will be held on Thursday, September 12 from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. This night provides Parent(s)/Guardian(s) with the opportunity to meet their child’s classroom teacher and learn about their child’s academic school year. On that night, families are welcomed to attend our Catholic School Council Pizza Social starting at 6:15 pm in the gym. Our Council will provide free ... Continue reading "Curriculum Night/Open House"

Grade 7 Immunizations


This note is in regards to the school immunization clinic for Grade 7  students. York Region Public Health will be at St. Nicholas on Monday September 30th, 2019 to administrator Dose 1 of the Hepatitis B and Human Papillomavirus (HPV 9) immunizations. York Region Public Health will be back in the spring (April 15th) to administer Dose 2, as well as the ... Continue reading "Grade 7 Immunizations"