
News Stories

Virtual Open House for Sacred Heart Catholic High School: Nov 3/21

 We’re happy to invite our Grade 8 parents/guardians to the upcoming virtual Open House for Sacred Heart Catholic High School on Wednesday, Nov. 3/21 at 7 pm. The November 3 Open House will be followed-up with an additional evening where parents can be part of a Question/Answer live session on Tues. Nov. 9/21 at 7 pm.

Please see the attached information flyer and ... Continue reading "Virtual Open House for Sacred Heart Catholic High School: Nov 3/21"

Picture Day: Thursday November 18th

We are pleased to announce that our school pictures have been scheduled for Thursday, November 18th. At this time the Board, with direction from YRPH, has elected to only complete individual photos, there will not be a class photo taken at this time. In addition, Life Touch (photography company) and our students/staff will follow strict procedures and protocols in order for photos to be taken ... Continue reading "Picture Day: Thursday November 18th"

School‌ ‌News‌ ‌and‌ ‌Updates‌ ‌

As we enter the final week of October we are encouraged to see so many signs of student success and growth within our classrooms and school. Please the attached letter for school news and events in the coming weeks. Thank you all again for your continued support throughout this school year.